Meeting documents

SCC Local Government Reorganisation Joint Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 19th January, 2023 2.00 pm

  • Meeting of Local Government Reorganisation Joint Scrutiny Committee, Thursday 19th January 2023 2.00 pm (Item 39.)


During the discussion, the following points were raised:-

·         Items five, six and seven on the agenda were debated together.

·         Councillors were pleased to see that user need and culture were at the centre of the strategies.

·         Councillors were excited to see the implementation of the strategies.

·         Councillors were glad that non-digital users had been acknowledged.

·         Concern was raised on how insight to foresight would be covered.

The Digital Engagement Manager advised that the data on insight would need to be integrated into all teams.

·         Councillors agreed that the strategies were ambitious but that more work could be done to get all teams to look at new technology options.

·         Councillors urged officers to include non-technological ways of communications and contact (phone calls and face to face) for those customers who did not have access to technology.

The Digital Engagement Manager agreed and accepted that other channels would be used alongside the digital technology.

·         Concern was raised that there were still large areas of the county that did not have access to high-speed internet.

The Digital Engagement Manager advised that this would be looked at as part of work on the infrastructure.

·         Concern was raised on the language used within the Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) and the term ‘older people’ should be amended to include those who did not have access to the internet.

The Digital Engagement Manager advised that the EIA would be made clearer and that they would amend some of the terms used.

·         Councillors requested training on the digital technology for themselves, to enable them to better assist their constituents.

·         Councillors queried capital to revenue costs.

The Chief Digital Officer advised that the costs were outlined within the strategy and that they would move away from lots of contracts that worked singularly and would try joined up working methods.

·         Councillors queried whether there was any data available to show that enabling remote working, encouraged collaborative working.

The Chief Digital Officer advised that there was no data available as the analysis had not been carried out and that they would look at the research carried out by the LGA.

·         Councillors highlighted that large data needed to be looked at, as the Council did not want to hold onto any unnecessary data.

·         Councillors agreed that the Council had good technology services but that they needed to be linked to service delivery.

·         Councillors suggested that process mapping needed to be included in the strategy.

·         Concern was raised on the financial risk and whether the future costs of the strategies had been included in the MTFP.

The Chief Digital Officer advised that the costs had not been included as the strategy was a high-level document.

·         Concern was raised on digital processes being used for certain services.

The Chief Digital Officer advised that they wanted to ensure digital processes helped not hindered any service.

·         Councillors requested that the charter stated that it would include all users and interact in all ways.


Resolved that LGR Joint Scrutiny Board:-

1)    Noted the key elements of the Digital Strategy,

2)    Noted the high-level implications and risks,

3)    Endorsed the strategy content, with comments made by members.

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